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Ready to go from quiet at work 🤐 (because you’re insecure about your accent) to speaking with power, impact, and authority in just 21 days?



The 3-week sprint taking you from silent struggle to sharing your brilliant ideas with the world (or at least the office) through expert speech strategies taught by a professional American accent coach.

In this 21-day audio course, you’ll say goodbye 👋 to scared & sweaty and feel empowered every time you open your mouth to speak up in English.

If you learned English later in life and you feel you’re stuck in a shell, unable to powerfully express your brilliant ideas - Accent Unlocked 🔓 is for you.


🔓 3 weeks of short audio lessons designed to be done in just ~15 min/day

🔓 Written & recorded by a professional American accent coach

🔓 Created just for people with big goals who learned English later in life

🔓 In just weeks, know more than you ever learned in school about American English pronunciation, rhythm & intonation

🔓 Gain speech strategies you can start using RIGHT AWAY to empower your message


Let’s face the facts…

You can be the best at what you do and have the most brilliant ideas, but if you can’t communicate that value in your English-speaking workplace, you won’t get noticed (or promoted)

Language is how we share our ideas, talents, skills and experiences & how we connect with others.


But your insecurity about your pronunciation & speech in English is stopping you from sharing what you have to offer proudly & confidently.

You DON’T deserve to be:

❌ the last to speak in a meeting

passed up for promotions

avoiding conversations that could advance your career

❌ known as “the shy one” (when you’re really not)

sweaty & quiet instead of speaking up confidently


But the thing is… weren’t born into an English-speaking environment, so you feel insecure and like you can’t communicate confidently & powerfully. might be afraid of speaking up because of your accent.


So when you have a brilliant idea 💡 to share in a meeting, you rehearse it in your head…wait…get nervous, and worry about how it’s going to come out…until the moment’s passed and now it’s too late.


You might be freezing up, unable to express yourself freely, whether you’re at work or even just running into a neighbor on the driveway when you get home.


And you might really want to go after new opportunities, but instead, you’re running away - from conversations, invitations, projects, promotions, new opportunities…all because of your English.


And that has probably got you feeling like you have so much to offer, but your accent is holding you back.


So you’re not going after what you want and deserve.


Or even worse? You’re being asked to repeat yourself…again and again and again...


But, it doesn’t have to be this way…

I was once there, too, when it came to my second language (Spanish). That is, until I trained my speech by learning everything I could from an accent coach in a matter of weeks. And I’ve never looked back.

I remember how I felt before I worked on my accent in Spanish.


I felt shy (I’m not). I lacked confidence. I didn't even want people to know I spoke Spanish if it wasn't completely necessary. I got nervous just talking to people. My professors told me I didn’t speak up enough in class. I was anxious all the time.

There was just one huge problem. I needed to speak Spanish for my career. So, just before I graduated, I worked on my accent through a textbook 📖 and audio recordings 📼 from an expert.


And since then?


My career took off - yes, in my second language.


I could finally communicate my personality, my thoughts, my ideas, my talents, skills & experiences - in a language I wasn’t even born into.


I was empowered to go after my goals and advance in my career because I FINALLY had the confidence I needed to get noticed, communicate my value, and land bigger and bigger roles at work.


And the best part? This can happen for you, too.

Accent Unlocked is built on my accent transformation system, which only requires 15 minutes a day of your precious and limited time

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You’ll learn the small tweaks to your communication that lead to BIG gains.


And you can start implementing them RIGHT AWAY.


No complicated explanations.

No weird mouth diagrams.

No childish tongue twisters.
This isn’t like any other public speaking course that just teaches you how to breathe deeply, "unlock your throat chakra," and 
speak louder.
Why? Because Accent Unlocked was made just for you. Someone who didn’t grow up speaking English, but who needs it for work and day-to-day life.


You: someone who wants to share everything amazing you have to offer and use your speech as a powerful tool to get what you want. - yes, even in English. 😎

How could your life be different if you…

🔥 were the first to share your great idea in a meeting (instead of the last)
🔥 communicate it so clearly that it makes them all think: “why didn’t I think of that…?”
🔥 engage others in everything you have to say through captivating American English rhythm & intonation
🔥 boost your authority as a speaker and know you’re speaking with power
🔥 get noticed for your thoughts, ideas, talents, skills, perspectives & experiences
🔥 stop being perceived as the shy & quiet one and never look back

Are you ready to make this your reality through easy-to-follow, super-high-impact ~15-minute a day audio lessons teaching you things they never taught you in school about the American accent?

Then say hello to Accent Unlocked! 🔓🎧

A 3-week sprint that takes you from silent struggle to sharing your brilliant ideas 💡 with impact and authority. 🔥


No more sweating and staying quiet in meetings because you're insecure about your English...because your ideas are WAY too good to keep to yourself.

Get ready FOR instant access to…

🎧3 weeks of powerful audio lessons…

I’m going to help you get 1% better every day until you can’t believe how far you’ve come.

I know you’re busy.


So I’ve made speech improvement simple, linear, systematic, and laser-focused on the end result...

👉 Making sure you get heard, noticed for everything you have to offer, and understood the first time you say something in English.


The audio lessons & speech strategies inside this audio course are a collection of my greatest hits, best tips, and most-high impact techniques that I’ve developed over thousands of hours of helping other people just like you get the biggest boost in their communication skills & confidence in the shortest amount of time possible.

Week 1: CLARIFY 💎
Clear, confident American English starts here!

In this week of audio lessons, you’ll discover the mouth position & movement that creates that characteristic American sound to instantly boost your clarity, comprehensibility, and the perceived confidence of your message.

Week 2: ENGAGE ❤️‍
Get ready to engage your listener more than ever before until they eat up every word you say…

Learn & practice the unique rhythm of American English to emphasize the most important words of your message and create a rhythm that enhances everything you have to say.

Week 3: EMPOWER ⚡
Finally use everything they never taught in school about intonation to your advantage.

Master and play with your voice by learning all the rules of American English intonation...and how to expertly break them. 😈

These audio lessons & practice materials have been created just for busy, ambitious, non-native speakers of English so you can influence, persuade, engage, and activate others with your voice... yes, in English!  


I’ve combined my accent transformation system, which only requires 15 minutes a day of your precious and limited time with my best, most accessible, and most practical expert tips that you can learn and start implementing RIGHT AWAY.

PDFs with visuals for every audio lesson

In every audio lesson of the course, you’ll be guided by a supporting PDF with awesome visuals, super-clear instructions and next steps, and my most helpful tips I’ve developed through thousands of hours of American accent coaching... so you’ll know the secrets to powerful American English that’s never taught in school – ASAP. 😎

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The American Accent Warmup

To kick off your transformation, you’ll learn my signature American Accent Warmup 🔥 – a guided warmup that instantly illuminates things you NEVER noticed before about American English, so you can boost the clarity & power of your speech from DAY ONE.

Accent Unlocked Course Calendar

If you’re the kind of person who looks up the route you’ll take before you even leave the house in your Ferrari 😉 then you’ll love the Accent Unlocked Course Calendar, where you can…

  • fill in the dates for each lesson you’ll complete

  • see a big picture overview of everything you’ll learn

  • and know which date on your personal calendar to mark...

Accent Unlocked course calendar.png

...“speak with kick-ass American English that gets me what I want in life” when you’re done with the course 


JUST $21

Limited Time Offer Of $21 US (One-Time Payment Only).  Lifetime access. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.

You might be asking right now “but can an accent even be changed?” Here’s the truth:

An accent is just a habit.

And habits can be changed.

An "accent" is when you use the sounds, movements, patterns, and melodies of your first language when speaking another one.

As an accent coach, I use a proven, systematic method to make you aware of the qualities of American English, like rhythm and intonation…


...and make them into a new habit.

I’ll teach you all about the features of American English until you start hearing things you never even noticed before about the language – and learn to use them to your own advantage.


My method is systematic, easy to follow, and fits into your busy busy life.


Because when it comes to accent training, less is more. It’s better to practice 15 minutes a day, every day, than 2 hours once a week.


​So, to answer your question - YES. An accent can be changed. I’m living proof, as well as the hundreds of people I’ve coached as a professional American accent coach.

And you don’t just need to take my word for the transformation this can create. Here’s what other people have to say about their American accent training experience through audio with me…

An extra BONUS audio lesson for every week

Once you’ve learned to CLARIFY 💎 your English, ENGAGE ❤️‍🔥 your listener, and EMPOWER ⚡ your message through the short, daily audio lessons inside, you’ll get an extra bonus audio lesson every week with more practice scripts to deepen your skills and send you out into the world with buckets of confidence.

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The Accent Unlocked Routine

After transforming your English throughout the course, you’ll finish with a bonus guided daily warmup you can use to reinforce what you’ve learned and always keep improving. 📈

Wanna know how it feels to get inside Accent Unlocked?

Just press play. 👇
Here's how it works:

When you buy the Accent Unlocked course, you’ll immediately get an email directing you to access a free and easy-to-use audio course platform with all your lessons and practice materials. You can choose to access the audio lessons with the free app, on your computer, or both! You’ll always be able to listen to your audio lessons on your favorite device – yep, even up in the sky in airplane mode. ✈️☁️

Want to see how my American accent training audio lessons 🎧 have transformed the lives of others just like you?

You might also be thinking “I need face-to-face lessons with a coach to transform my English.”

You don’t.

And here’s why…

First of all – I didn’t.


When I transformed my accent in my second language, I had a 📗textbook, 🎧 audio tracks, and a cassette tape recorder. 📼 (I bet you haven’t seen one of those since 1999.)

Plus, there are already lots of other ambitious people just like you who learned English later in life and are transforming their accent every day through my super-convenient and effective audio-based 🎧 American accent training programs.


The best solution to transforming your accent is the one that actually fits into your life. And if you can’t imagine fitting another virtual meeting into your crazy weekly schedule (and taking the $400+ a month hit to your budget for a live coach), then I made Accent Unlocked JUST for you, my friend.

The best time to start improving your American English communication was…well, yesterday, so let’s get started right now with your transformation, shall we?

Accent Unlocked is perfect for you if…

You use English regularly in your work or life and you want to say goodbye to the insecurity holding you back from sharing your thoughts and ideas out loud.


You’re ready to access new opportunities, social circles, promotions, or audiences and you need clear and confident American English to do it.


You don’t want to wait any more to speak with more clarity, impact, and power than ever before.


You’re tired of keeping yourself small, feeling like you’re in a shell, simplifying your thoughts, or avoiding saying certain things in English because you’re worried about how you’ll sound.


You’ve tried just imitating or repeating after native speakers of English, but for some reason, you just don’t sound the same.


You feel like there has to be more for you in life, and you know confident American English is going to unlock that next level for you, where you can clearly and freely share your talents, ideas, skills, and experiences with the world - or even just the next team meeting at the office. 😉


If you are sitting there nodding your head as you read this, then Accent Unlocked is the next step you’ve been searching for!

Recap - you’ll get all this instantly:

⚡3 weeks of short, but powerful audio lessons

⚡PDFs with visuals for every audio lesson

⚡My signature American Accent Warmup

⚡The Accent Unlocked Course Calendar

⚡An extra BONUS audio lesson for every week

⚡The BONUS Accent Unlocked🎧🔓 Routine to take with you for life


JUST $21

Yep. That’s just $1 a day for the 3-week course. 😉

Limited Time Offer Of $21 US (One-Time Payment Only).  Lifetime access. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.

Hi! I'm Emmi. 👋

I’m a professional American accent coach with over 16 years of teaching and coaching experience, serving ambitious people like you all around the globe and helping them get noticed for their brilliant, awesome ideas through clear, empowered, confident American English. 🔥

After coaching hundreds of people in the American accent, I’ve developed my best teaching, tips, and tricks to help you make the biggest transformation in the shortest amount of time through my accessible & convenient audio-based programs. 🎧


I know how busy you are. I know exactly what it’s like to have big dreams and goals and so little empty time on your calendar.


And I was tired of seeing brilliant, bilingual people like you who have so much to offer staying stuck, quiet, nervous, and afraid to speak up in English and share what they came here to bring to the world.


So that’s why I bring you my best teaching through audio 🎧 - so you can learn to hear things you never even noticed before about American English on your schedule… and start using these speech techniques RIGHT NOW to YOUR advantage. 😎

And so, Accent Unlocked was born.

I’m all about helping busy people like you turn a few minutes a day into huge gains in their pronunciation & communication.

And you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars 💰 and tons of time on 1-on-1 accent training lessons to get results.

My superpower is helping YOU make the words you speak sound as good as the brilliant ideas in your head by teaching you everything you never learned in school about American English pronunciation & communication.


No more sweating in meetings, overthinking, or being too anxious to speak up. I LOVE helping audio lovers ❤️🎧 fit American accent training into their busy lives and crazy schedules. And Accent Unlocked does just that.


So, are you ready to speak with more impact than ever before? Then I can't wait to teach you everything I know.


Accent Unlocked has been designed to take you from silent struggle 🤐 to sharing your brilliant ideas with more impact & authority than ever before.


I’m so confident that it’s the solution to help you feel empowered – not scared – every time you open your mouth to share your awesomeness in English.


HOWEVER I want you to know that there is no risk in purchasing today.


Because if you don’t love Accent Unlocked, you can request your money back within 7 days - no questions asked.


That’s how confident I am that this solution will bring your American English to the next level.

I’ll be honest: this price won’t last forever.


Plus, like I said - the best time to start transforming your accent was…yesterday.


Consider how soon you could start getting noticed for your brilliant ideas and skills if you start today.


Stop letting opportunities pass you by because you’re too insecure about your English to speak up. Let’s make that a part of the past and take a step forward today.

  • How much time do I need?
    Accent Unlocked is built on my accent transformation system, which only requires 15 minutes a day of your precious and limited time for 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks, you’ll learn the 3 key American accent training tweaks to your speech & communication that lead to BIG gains in the shortest amount of time possible. And the best part is that you can start implementing them RIGHT AWAY.
  • Who is accent training for?
    Accent training is perfect for non-native speakers of English who feel that their communication is holding them back. If you are often asked to repeat yourself, you get the wrong order in a restaurant, or you feel nervous about getting on the phone or speaking with a group of native English speakers, accent training can help you gain back your confidence.
  • How does accent training work?
    Your customized coaching program will begin with an assessment where I will identify the specific sound substitutions you are making – or ways that you are using a sound from your native language while speaking in English. During the assessment, I will also identify any other speech characteristics we can improve such as pace, intonation, clarity, etc. Then, I will use this to create a personalized, step-by-step accent training plan made just for you.
  • What is a typical online accent training session like?
    During a typical 1-on-1 session, we will work on one of your personalized goal areas to improve your communication. First, I will help you grow your awareness of a specific aspect of your pronunciation or communication that we'll be working on. I’ll take you through a series of targeted exercises to grow your awareness of that aspect of your speech. In other words, I’ll make sure you can really hear the difference between a goal sound, for example, and your own pronunciation. After we train your ear to hear the sound, I'll teach you exactly how to make the sound using your mouth until you can feel the difference. Then, we will train the new habit – in words, phrases, and in conversation – until it becomes automatic.
  • Will accent training only improve my pronunciation?
    Not at all! Pronunciation is just one part of clear speech. I work with every student on identifying and improving any aspect of their communication that’s necessary to speak with more fluency. Some of these aspects are: Intonation – making sure statements don’t sound like questions Rhythm – adopting a more natural-sounding way of speaking Syllable stress – being more easily understood & saying what you mean Speaking too quickly – remembering to pause for emphasis Speaking too softly – adding power to your voice Skipping sounds – clarifying your message Monotone voice – adding variety and interest to your speech …and the list goes on! Every student is unique!
  • How long does accent training take?
    My goal is to help you see the most impact in the shortest amount of time. If you sign up for 1-on-1 lessons, the length of the course varies from client to client. It all depends on where you start. I've had students for just 4 sessions and students for a full 12 week program. One 50-minute session of live coaching per week plus 10-15 minutes of independent practice a day between sessions will lead to a big improvement. Of course, I provide the practice materials to you in an independent practice schedule to help make the training stick. Your speech will usually be easier to understand after the first 3-4 weeks as you gain awareness of areas of your speech that are affecting your communication. A full coaching program that will lead to significant improvement is my 12 week program. For most students, a 12 week program is enough to get through all of their personalized goals. If you’re ready to get started with accent training, click here!
  • Will I lose my accent completely? Is that possible?
    Accent training is not intended to make a non-native speaker of English sound just like a native speaking American. The goal of accent training is to greatly improve pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, and clarity so that you can be easily understood and others will focus on what you say rather than how you say it.
  • Why should I hire an accent coach?
    Great question! It can be so hard to identify and hear patterns in your own speech! This is why you need a listener and a coach who can help you become aware of your communication patterns and help you hear and learn a new way of expressing yourself through step-by-step lessons. That’s what EK Accent Coaching can offer you. Working with a coach 1-on-1 (in live lessons or through my audio coaching program) is so much more effective and efficient than learning alone from YouTube or an AI-powered app – you need that personalized feedback and training. If you’re ready to get started with accent training, click here!
One final note before we reach the end...

I want more for you, my friend…


You’re BILINGUAL, you’re already a superhero. It’s time for the world to see that.


To see you, to see your gifts, talents, experiences, skills, and brilliance.


But here’s the trouble: they can’t see a secret. 😶‍🌫️


As long as you’re stuck in that shell, your amazingness is going to stay invisible, too.


Language & communication is how we connect with each other and the world, so what could be more worthwhile than sharpening that skill?


So if you’ve got some headphones, 🎧 just 15 minutes a day, and the desire to break out of that cage and…


…be the first to share your idea at the next team meeting.


…confidently go for that next job, promotion, or raise.


…feel like yourself and share your real personality at the next social event.


Then Accent Unlocked is waiting for you, risk free, and I can’t wait to see you jump in.



JUST $21

Limited Time Offer Of $21 US (One-Time Payment Only).  Lifetime access. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.

Want to Try a Free Accent Training Lesson? 


pronunciation coaching 

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​✔ Get my proven warmup routine that I teach all my private accent coaching clients

Jump-start your journey to clear & powerful American English 🔥

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